Monday, October 1, 2012

Connection from the past!

A connection from the past there seems to be, 
between my lil baby and me.
The love we bear for each other says so,
during turbulent times we loved more.

You are the baby god sent my way,
the answer to every prayer i say.
Not born of me but my child you are,
this relationship no trouble can mar.

In our world in my baby's smile i would melt,
but when he went away the pain of delivering a child i felt.
Though i knew i would find him one day,
I felt blinded and lost my way.

Until the moment i heard my lil baby's voice,
the world around me was unsettled and full of noise.
in my eyes a glint i finally see,
since my baby has come back to me!!

Friday, July 20, 2012

Lil Angel

Round like the full moon her face is aglow
Looking at the lil angel many a thoughts flow

Her eyes filled with mischief
A half moon smile she gives

Behind the curtain while playing peek
I see soft clouds of hair and her dimpled cheek

Innocent child is thy name God?
Or are you emissary of the Lord??

The beautiful lady in you lies in waiting
With changing seasons time is abating

Saturday, October 22, 2011


There is a plan and so I am told

for every little being on earth.

Was there a plan when HE broke my mould?

I wonder as i feel a dearth.

What did HE really mean for me to be?

Uncertainty shrouds my mind’s eyes

and I don’t seem to clearly see

the way ahead or the path that lies.

Is there a signpost to lead me there?

Or is there a guide to take me?

Or maybe this passage here

will lead me to see.

Whither is the way?

I don’t seem to know

Whither is the way?

Oh Lord wont you show?

Wednesday, July 28, 2010


No I am not delirious, I am not on dope and I have not had a drink too many!!

In my complete senses and I think the quality of life we have today sucks BIG TIME!

I can hear angry retorts to this comment of mine. You cant say this, dispensable income has become more, you go out in cars instead of public transport, we have over 200 television channels to choose from and above all we have the boon of the modern day – internet that comes along with a booty like facebook, twitter, google, gmail so on and so forth that bring the world to your finger tip.

But in this flurry am still looking for that simple life I had as a kid. When all that was expected was to finish your homework and daily lessons, a maximum of an hour with ones books. There were no tuitions, no extra classes, no jam packed days with extra curricular activities thrown in like that was not extra but intrinsic, no gadgets to occupy your simple mind and no summer camps!!

In fact summer holidays were meant for a short holiday with family before settling down to innovating new games and reinventing the old ones. We stayed in the sun all day playing all kinds of stuff. On a day when we did not get a brainwave on the games, that day was reserved for tree climbing, bicycling and picnics. A lot of the games we played are not known today.

Today’s world is on a fast forward mode. Like Wordsworth said, there really is ‘no time to stop and stare’. Children are sent to school at an age when they are yet teething ask why and we hear, oh they have to learn to mingle with children their age and the play school is the best place for that. So basically at 2 we pack the lil ones off to school so that we can get a breather from the hectic schedule of baby on board. That by the way is just the beginning. From class one itself the rat race begins. Why are you not first in class? You need to concentrate more. Don’t waste time playing. It is in grained in them that nothing but class first is good enough and everyone who does not stand first one is a loser.

To make things worse we do not give them as much as a moment to breathe in a day. School, tuitions, singing / dancing, tennis, swimming and what more have we. The child is not given a moment to spare a thought on what exactly gives them pleasure. It’s more like cattle out on the field. Summer vacations are not spared either. They are wasting too much time at home so it’s better for them to go to a summer camp. Why don’t we think that the child may just sit at home and come up with some phenomenal ideas, he will make friends that will go with him for a lifetime and above all he will learn to life his way.

Growing up is pity! Thanks to the worst year, the demon in disguise - the boards. I recall having gone for my boards after watching a movie the previous night. I yet did fairly well and of course if working and pocketing a decent salary is being successful then may be I fit in there as well.

Boards means cloistered in a room burning the mid night oil and mugging lessons. It’s a year of SACRIFICE! That’s what the parents tell their children, sacrifice on worldly pleasures to immerse yourself into your books this one year so you can attain no Not Nirvana but an engineering seat. Any other course will not do!

There is many a time we lose our tender little ones as we see the rat race take the child’s breath away. This happens since the child has no sporting spirit and is taught that success is the only way of life. Failure even once means you have no chance to live.

Is this worth it? Why not allow our children to explore the big world and spread their wings. What is better to have a child who failed once or not have them at all?

Wednesday, June 23, 2010


I awaken to the day, dark and dreary
The night being long sleeping barely
Worry writ all over my brow
I start the day with a bitter row

A row raging within me deep
Not knowing from life what to keep
Mystified by where I was leading
Not sure if it was worth the pleading

I was so lost in this maze
With life I forgot to keep pace
All hope was lost and doors sealed
When you came along with your shield

Like sweet manna from the sky
You just happened to my life, awry
Showed me the light and gave me strength.
Friend together we will go life’s length!

Wednesday, May 5, 2010


I have always been a big time Mani Ratnam fan!! The adulation for the man is not merely from his movies alone, though of course his repertoire is the finest in modern Indian cinema, it also stems from the enigma that he is. You never hear much of him apart from when a movie of his is due for release. Until the screening itself, the story line is only debated upon and never known. And each time the storyline is so unusual, you know never know what to expect next.

His latest movie Raavan is no different to this genre. There are various people debating the storyline and reckoning it to the legendary epic. With the music released for the movie the buzz has grown phenomenally. There are speculations about the storyline floating around and every day we hear a new line.

As for me I do not want to even think what the movie would be about. All I want to do is enjoy ARR’s fabulous rustic compositions and play each of the songs in my mind’s eye until the dawn of the day when I can go to a theatre and enjoy the film.

From every movie of Mani sir (as he is called in the industry) I have a particular scene or tune that continues to stir in my head. I yet recall the phenomenal picturization of Thungatha Vizhigal from Agni Natchatiram, the haunting title score of Kannathil Muthamital, the sharp dialogues of Nayagan, the peppy music during the flashback (for Karthick) in Agni Natchatiram, Mohan Lal peeping out of the top of the building to see thousands of people waiting to get a glance of him in Iruvar, Gurukanth Desai’s speech to the committee after his illness in Guru and many many more.

This time round again I am sure there are going to be a lot many impactful scenes and I am waiting to see first hand whats in store. This is almost the first time Mani sir is making a full fledged bi lingual (apart from Yuva), though from the times of Bombay most of his movies have been Hindi / Tamil releases, he always used the same actors. This time around we have two sets of actors for the versions and am equally excited about both!!

Friday, April 30, 2010

Measuring up!!

Is it because someone gives without measuring, the one who takes measures his steps once he accepts??

This is not just the first time I am experiencing this. In fact every time I do it’s with a sense of déjà vu that I approach it. People seem to make friendships off late only after factoring in what is in it for them….

Where are those selfless people? Has god stopped creating people from that mould?

I do so fondly recall times when a colleague of mine used to carry lunch for me everyday because she realized I was not eating properly. Of course I have had a jolly good bunch that used to ensure there was vegetarian food and nimbooz for me while we partied hard late into the night at home in Pune.

But today as I look back at the last couple of months, I do not seem to recognize people from this tall order any more. Is it (my)opia or is it that there are no more people that trod the earth, having this quality??