Sunday, August 2, 2009

Future tense

English grammar class in junior classes...

Vividly remember Ms. Hyacinth teaching us about the tenses.... I recall how excited I was that day... Ran home to mom's arms and told her "Amma today I learnt tenses in school".

With the passing days - Future tense was unfolding in front of me.... 'Tense' what kinds of tension can a little girl have must be the question in your minds. Well the tension then was rather pleasurable tensions, didn’t realize this then though. Mom won’t allow me to play a lil longer, my friend pinched me, exams are approaching and I have to study, so on and so forth. At that age I always thought to myself "when I grow up I'll have nothing to worry about".

With every passing day, an older and supposedly wiser ME knows that this is never to be. As the drama of life unfurls itself in front of you, scene by scene, it intrigues you the amount of mystery and uncertainty that’s there in Life. This uncertainty ensures the tension on.

Whoever called it future tense was quite right! What say?!


padmaja said...

so true.... that's why we hear wise ones say, 'live in the present!'

The PaUnCh said...

Interesting Post.